IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)
IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)
IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)
IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)
IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)

IMMUMAR Pluss - Orally soluble synergistic nutritional supplement for the immune system (7 sachets)

Regular price €14,49 Sale price €9,90

A synergistic mouth-dissolving dietary supplement with wild blueberries to support the immune system.

One sachet (1.5g) of IMMUMAR ® Plus contains 5 billion live probiotic bacteria L. plantarum INDUCIA ® , vitamin C and vitamin D3 with freeze-dried blueberry powder and xylitol.

Vitamins C (200%) and D3 (1000%)

  • Contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system;
  • Help reduce fatigue and exhaustion.

Lactiplantibacillus plantarum INDUCIA ® :

  • Increases the total number of beneficial lactobacilli in the intestine;

L. plantarum INDUCIA ® works synergistically with the product components.

When you buy products with the IMMUMAR ® brand, you can be sure that Estonian scientists have contributed to supporting your immunity.


Lactiplantibacillus plantarum INDUCIA ® patents:

  • Estonian patent EE05341 , issued on 16.08.2010, An isolated strain of a microorganism Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA® DSM 21379 as a probiotic that increases the body's natural defenses, the food and composition containing it, and the use of the microorganism for the preparation of a drug that increases cellular immunity ", authors Marika Mikelsaar, Epp Songisepp, Merle Rätsep, Pirje Hütt, Imbi Smidt, Kai Truusalu, Epp Sepp, Raik- Hiio Mikelsaar, Kalle Kilk, Jelena Stsepetova, Siiri Kõljalg, Mirjam In the municipality. Patent holder: BioCC OÜ.
  • Estonian patent EE 05809 B1 , issued on 17/09/2018, " Probiotic microorganism strain Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia DSM 21379 containing composition for use To reduce the risk of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile (CDAD), authors Marika Mikelsaar, Epp Songisepp, Merle Rätsep, Pirje Hütt, Imbi Smidt, Kai Truusalu, Epp Sepp, Raik-Hiio Mikelsaar, Kalle Kilk, Jelena Ssepetova, Siiri Kõljalg, Mirjam Vallas. Patent owner: BioCC OÜ.

L. plantarum INDUCIA ® is A lactobacillus of human origin discovered by researchers at BioCC OÜ and the University of Tartu , whose safety, functional properties and tolerability have been tested in test tubes, laboratory animals and healthy adult volunteers. 
500 people have participated in clinical trials .


Nutritional information

Ingredients Amount in recommended daily dose (1 sachet) % NRV* in 1 sachet

Lactic acid bacterium:

Lactiplantibacillus plantarum INDUCIA ® ®

5.0 x 10 9 live microbial cells
Vitamin C 160 mg 200
Vitamin D3 50 μg 1000

* percentage of daily reference amount for adults (NRV-Nutritional Reference Value)

Ingredients : lactic acid bacteria Lactiplantibacillus plantarum INDUCIA ® , vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), sweetener xylitol, freeze-dried blueberry powder, anti-caking agent microcrystalline cellulose.

When to take?

  • Daily contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and supports digestion. Also suitable for use with medicines.
  • In the period of viruses, it strengthens the body's natural defenses.
  • During antibiotic treatment ( the gap between the use should be at least 2 hours) and after it helps to protect and restore the normal intestinal microbiota. In this case, use at least 4 weeks.
  • A week before the trip and during the trip

✅ 1 sachet in the first half of the day.

Recommended dosage for 4-6 weeks.

🌱 Suitable for vegans as well.

IMMUMAR ® Pluss contains live microbial cells, so it should not be mixed with hot water (over 45°C) or alcoholic beverages. Store at room temperature in the original packaging protected from moisture.

Attention! Do not exceed the daily recommended amount. Does not replace a versatile and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Quantity in the package: 7 sachets

Manufacturer: BioCC OÜ Riia 181A, 50411, Tartu, Estonia

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 5 reviews

    Minule maitseb! Lisaks, peale agressiivset AB kuuri sain just selle tootega organismi (just seedimise) taas toimima.


    Väga maitsev!

    Maitsega pulber

    Uuel pulbril on põnev maitse, selline mustikane ja natuke hapu. Kas ksülitool teeb hammastele head?

    Maire Luik
    Viiruste perioodil asendamatu.

    Sain soovituse perearstil toetada enda immuunsust viiruste perioodil just IMMUMARiga ning käimas on juba teine kuur. Väga meeldiv tulemus. Külmetus pole ligi tulnud ning lisaks sellele ka seedimine korras. Aitäh toredatele Eesti teadlastele, kes meie jaoks need kasulikud bakterid avastanud ja arendanud on.

    Väga rahul

    Olen terve talve kasutanud immuunsuse tõstmiseks seda toodet. Kevad on käes ja pole veel kordagi haige olnud. Kõige rohkem meeldib, et see toode sisaldab kurkumiini, kasutan kurkumit peaaegu kõikide toitude valmistamisel, seda pole kunagi liiga palju. Teen nüüd väikese pausi ja suveks tellin Plantabifi. Sügisest uuesti Immumar.