Nordwise® food supplements for your health!
The population is aging, the western diet and lifestyle and urbanization are spreading (movement is a hobby today, not a necessity). This is accompanied by so-called wellness-related or lifestyle diseases (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, tumors, etc.) and chronic health problems. According to the World Health Organization 2017 , 70% or nearly 40 million people die each year due to welfare-related diseases. The majority are working-age and viable people aged 30-69.
A big problem is the rapid increase in the number of persons at risk of disease. In other words, people who have not yet been prescribed treatment by a doctor, but who will soon become a burden on the healthcare system.
One of the ways to improve public health and slow down the aforementioned negative trends is to develop food supplements and foods with added value.
Probiotic foods and supplements
A probiotic is a non-disease-causing live microbe whose oral administration in certain amounts has a positive effect on human health. Lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, etc.) are widely used as probiotics, but it must be remembered that all lactic acid bacteria are NOT probiotics, in other words, probiotic is not synonymous with lactic acid bacteria.
When developing a specific lactic acid bacterium or other microbe strain into a probiotic and evaluating its health effects, several laboratory, experimental, clinical and technological requirements have been established internationally, i.e. the effects and safety of the microbe strain must be scientifically proven in order to be called a probiotic at all.
Foods and nutritional supplements containing probiotics selectively affect various functions of the human body and help prevent disease states, including cardiovascular diseases, allergies, etc. The purpose of using a food supplement is to supplement regular food with certain nutrients or substances with a physiological effect.
Probiotics are usually available in fermented dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, kefir, etc. as well as as a food supplement (drops, powders, tablets, capsules, bars). In the form of a food supplement, beneficial bacteria are also available to those people who cannot or do not want to consume dairy products.
The science behind Nordwise® nutritional supplements
BioCC OÜ creates functional foods and nutritional supplements enriched with beneficial lactic acid bacteria, as well as vitamins and minerals, which are characteristic of the body, and whose effects have been studied and scientifically proven.
In order to investigate, find out and prove the probiotic action mechanisms of the developing lactic acid bacteria, both test tube and animal studies and scientific-based clinical trials have been conducted in accordance with international rules. Our studies are transparent, ie internationally registered.
As a result of years of continuous research and development, BioCC OÜ has developed domestic food supplements that contain the internationally patented lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum Tensia® and Lactobacillus plantarum Inducia®.
- Heart Friend® Tensia® - contains Lactobacillus plantarum TENSIA ® , a lactic acid bacterium characteristic of the human body with blood pressure-lowering properties, together with vitamins and minerals that have a corresponding synergistic effect.
- Heart friend® Inducia® - contains the lactic acid bacterium L. plantarum INDUCIA®, which works synergistically with monacolin K, Q10 and B vitamins.
- Immumar® plus - contains the lactic acid bacterium L. plantarum INDUCIA® together with vitamins and minerals that have a corresponding synergistic effect.
The products are available in the online store and in Apotheka, Benu and Südameapteeg pharmacies.
Author: Epp Songisepp PhD, senior researcher at BioCC.