Nordwise® FERRUMAR® - synergistic food supplement for hematopoiesis and digestion

The scientist explains who the iron-containing dietary supplement Ferrumar® is intended for and what good the lactic acid bacteria in it do.

Compared to men, women are more at risk of iron deficiency and bone loss. Ferrumar®, a product of the Nordwise® series, is designed to prevent iron deficiency, improve bone health and improve digestion. Food supplement Ferrumar® contains useful live lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA® and Lactobacillus plantarum TENSIA® discovered and studied in Estonia. Food supplement Ferrumar® contains the recommended daily amount of iron and vitamins B9 and B12 necessary for hematopoiesis. The dietary supplement Ferrumar® uses iron(II) diglycinate, a highly absorbable and stomach-friendly form of iron. Bone strength is ensured by vitamin D3, which helps calcium absorption, and vitamin K 2 (menaquinone-7), which is necessary for storing calcium in the bones. Strong immunity is more important now than ever! Therefore, the dietary supplement Ferrumar® also contains vitamin D, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.


The food supplement Ferrumar® contains living and beneficial patented lactic acid bacteria L. plantarum INDUCIA® and TENSIA®, which are characteristic of the human body and work synergistically with the other components of the product. L. plantarum INDUCIA® and TENSIA® increase the total number of beneficial lactobacilli in the gut and help maintain and restore the normal gut microbiota. As a result, the body's natural defenses increase and the risk of food infections decreases. The INDUCIA® bacterium has shown the ability to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in clinical trials. The TENSIA® bacterium is capable of producing compounds that lower blood pressure (NO and ACE II inhibitors). Both INDUCIA® and TENSIA® bacteria help protect the body from excessive oxidative stress and help reduce subacute inflammation.
INDUCIA® and TENSIA® bacteria have been studied for more than 15 years by the research development center BioCC OÜ (Bio-competence center) in cooperation with researchers from the University of Tartu. More than 500 people have participated in Lactobacillus plantarum INDUCIA® clinical trials and more than 800 people in Lactobacillus plantarum TENSIA® trials. The health-giving properties of bacterial strains have been patented in Estonia, Europe, the USA and several Asian countries (see patents: EE05340 , EE05799 , EP2309870 , EP2288360 , US10272122 , KR10-1587195 , etc.).
Several publications have appeared in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Consumption of TENSIA® bacteria-enriched probiotic cheese with a low-calorie diet reduced body mass index and arterial blood pressure (clinical trial results published in Nutrition Journal ). The INDUCIA® bacterium has shown the potential to suppress the growth of Clostridium difficile, a pathogenic microbe that causes dangerous diarrhea ( in vitro and animal test results published in the journal Anaerobe ).

Biofunctions of iron

Iron is part of the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscles. Hemoglobin's job is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Myoglobin is a temporary oxygen reserve for the muscles themselves, which is used during strenuous exercise.
In addition, iron is necessary for various functions at the cellular level, being a component of several enzymes, participating in DNA synthesis and energy production in mitochondria.

Iron deficiency

Below are the main causes of iron deficiency. Noticeable iron deficiency often occurs due to the interaction of several factors.
  • there is too little iron in the diet
  • the need for iron has increased (adult children and pregnant women)
  • there is excessive iron loss due to bleeding
  • impaired absorption
  • iron deficiency due to chronic disease (rheumatoid arthritis, cancer)

Symptoms of iron deficiency

The following symptoms may occur with iron deficiency:

  • iron deficiency anemia
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes
  • fatigue, weakness
  • decrease in physical exertion tolerance
  • headache, dizziness
  • palpitations
  • shortness of breath
  • dry and rough skin
  • dry and damaged hair
  • brittle, in extreme cases also concave nails

Clinically, iron deficiency anemia is the biggest problem. Almost half of the cases of anemia are related to iron deficiency. Therefore, when in doubt, it is important to check the body's iron reserves. Although the average person is first associated with a hemoglobin reading of blood with a low iron content, in fact doctors also measure the level of ferritin in the blood, which reflects a decrease in iron reserves even before the hemoglobin reading falls below the norm. Various studies have shown that iron stores are empty up to 25% in children, 30% in women of childbearing age, 60% in pregnant women, 3% in men.

Who is at risk of iron deficiency?

- Women of fertile age

Women of childbearing age lose iron with heavy periods, and the need for iron is also increased during pregnancy. Consecutive pregnancies are particularly conducive to iron deficiency. While in menopause, women's iron needs decrease by a third due to the cessation of menstruation, irregular bleeding or periods with heavy discharge may occur before this, which also reduce iron reserves.

- People with pathological bleeding

In old age, iron deficiency is mostly caused by chronic blood loss through the digestive tract. This can be caused by gastrointestinal ulcers, or worse, cancer.
Through the digestive tract, a person can imperceptibly lose such an amount of blood that affects iron reserves. In the case of larger amounts of blood, the stool is colored black. Smaller amounts are not visible to the eye and can only be detected by a occult blood test. In either case, blood in the stool is not normal, and it is definitely necessary to consult a doctor to find out what disease is more precisely behind it.

- Users of certain medicines

Gastrointestinal ulcers are also caused by pain and constant use of anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc.). This type of medication inhibits mechanisms that are important in protecting the stomach lining.
Stomach acid converts iron in the Fe 3+ form to the absorbable Fe 2+ form. Therefore, drugs that inhibit the synthesis of gastric acid and also drugs that neutralize stomach acid (antacids) indirectly increase the risk of iron deficiency with long-term use.

- People with impaired iron absorption

In celiac disease, or gluten intolerance, the absorption of several micronutrients, including iron, is impaired due to damage to the intestinal mucosa. Approximately 45% of those diagnosed with primary celiac disease have decreased iron stores.

- People who do not have a balanced diet

Women tend to eat less red meat, which is rich in iron in the most absorbable form. The iron found in meat is absorbed to the extent of 15-30%, while the iron found in plants is bound to compounds that prevent absorption (phytic acid, oxalic acid) and is available from food to the extent of 5-8% . From the muscle, iron is more easily absorbed, because there the iron is in the composition of heme and uses a different mechanism for absorption, which is not affected by interfering factors. The absorption of non-heme iron found in plants is hindered by, for example, large amounts of calcium and fiber at the same meal and tannic acid found in tea and coffee. The general risk of lack of vitamins and minerals, including iron, is diets where a small amount of energy is obtained from food (less than 1500 kcal per day).

- Regular blood donors

- Top athletes

Bone thinning

Although bone loss is usually diagnosed in women at menopause or later, in fact, bone health should be considered earlier. Namely, the female hormone estrogen, which is produced by the body during fertile years, promotes the absorption and storage of calcium in the bones.

How to take the dietary supplement Ferrumar®?

Ferrumar® is a smartly assembled multi-component dietary supplement containing iron, which helps prevent common problems associated with the use of iron preparations, such as gastrointestinal ailments and oxidative stress. Digestion is kept in order by the added INDUCIA® and TENSIA® lactic acid bacteria, which also protect against oxidative stress. In addition, Ferrumar® contains an iron compound that irritates the digestive system less. Vitamin B9 and B12 contribute to normal hematopoiesis and vitamin D and K2 help to maintain normal bones
Iron preparations should be taken for at least two months, preferably even three, because during this time all red blood cells are replaced by new ones. It may even take up to half a year for iron reserves to return to normal (normalization of ferritin readings).
Humans do not have a separate mechanism for iron removal (iron leaves the body with dead cells or bleeding), and free iron acts as an initiator of tissue-damaging oxidative stress. Therefore, supplementation with higher doses of iron must be medically justified. Food supplements containing iron should not be taken continuously, but it is recommended to take breaks.
Iron is better absorbed when taken on an empty stomach. Calcium and antacids (medicines that neutralize stomach acid) reduce iron absorption. So it would be advisable to leave a gap of about three hours. It is also not recommended to take the food supplement Ferrumar® together with drinks containing caffeine or meals containing a lot of fiber (whole grains, bran, raw vegetables), which also inhibit iron absorption.
In the case of iron deficiency anemia, it is always necessary to determine the cause, because it could be a more serious disease. In case of severe iron deficiency, higher doses of iron must be taken on the doctor's recommendation. Unfortunately, the administration of high-dose iron preparations often causes gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach discomfort, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Therefore, it is reasonable to prevent iron deficiency if you belong to a risk group.

Think about your health early and prevent problems by using the synergistic food supplement Ferrumar®!